Comitative marker


Asya Alekseeva


February 26, 2024

The maps show the variation of the comitative marker as represented in two elicited contexts: ‘Rasul went hunting with a dog’ and ‘Rasul went to Makhachkala by car’. The markers attested are the following: -kʷan, -kan, -xʷan, -xan, -fan. The variants -kʷan and -kan are attested in Kina, Luchek, Amsar and Kiche, -fan is attested in Ikhrek and Khnov, -xan is attested in Ikhrek and Rutul. The last variant, -xʷan is attested everywhere except Kina, Luchek and Khnov. The label OTHER is used if the meaning is expressed by means other than a nominal suffix but by a construction with a locative copula: χana, χan, xʷana.

